01772 862305  
Main Contact: Mrs N Kippax

Lightfoot Lane
Fulwood, Preston, PR2 3LP 

We are inspired by the teachings of Jesus Christ who is at the heart of all we do.

Complaints Procedure

Arrangements for handling complaints from parents of children with special educational needs (SEN) about the support the school provides

 The complaint procedure for special educational needs mirrors the school’s other complaints procedures. Should a parent or carer have a concern about the special provision made for their child they should in the first instance discuss this with the class teacher. If the matter is not resolved satisfactorily parents have recourse to the following:

· discuss the problem with the SENCO

· discuss the problem with the Headteacher

· More serious on-going concerns should be presented in writing to the SEN Governor, who will inform the Chairman of the Governors

Parents are informed about Information Advice and Support Services (formerly Parent Partnership)

Parents can be signposted to the Lancashire SEND team for support.

The SEN Code of Practice outlines additional measures the Local Authority must set up for preventing and resolving disagreements. Parents/carers will be given the necessary information upon request.