01772 862305  
Main Contact: Mrs N Kippax

Lightfoot Lane
Fulwood, Preston, PR2 3LP 

We are inspired by the teachings of Jesus Christ who is at the heart of all we do.


The more that you read, the more you will know. The more that you learn, the more places you will go. 

Dr Seuss

Our English Curriculum


It is our intent at Our Lady and St Edward’s Catholic Primary School, to provide the children with the foundations to speak, read and write fluently so that they develop a strong command and love of the spoken and written language of English. We intend that the children will be able to communicate, through their writing, reading, speaking and listening, their ideas and emotions clearly and creatively to and with others in the wider world.


At Our Lady and St Edward’s, our English Curriculum covers the National Curriculum objectives and is set into a year group specific progression framework (see progression of skills documents). The staff at Our Lady and St Edward’s focus their teaching around a range of high-quality and rich texts to develop a broad understanding of English. They use KLIPs and the Lancashire Curriculum as support materials to assist with the teaching of English. This allows children to develop, consolidate and embed their learning of skills and knowledge in Reading, Speaking and Listening and Writing as they build on knowledge and skills learnt from previous years in a progressive manner. Currently, the teaching and learning of English is organised into year groups where the language, literature and key skills are delivered in a stimulating and challenging way through a variety of resources and approaches. This allows the children to experience a rich bank of vocabulary and texts which encourages them to master and deepen their understanding of English. All children are taught English each day, for approximately 1 hour. In addition to this, a strong emphasis is placed on English being accessed through cross-curricular topics. This provides the children with regular opportunities to write or read for a range of purposes and audiences. Tasks are challenging, specific and meaningful so that children are motivated, engaged and developing their English skills connected to real life contexts. Appropriate and additional support is provided for specific needs of children, on a daily basis, in order for the children to progress and enjoy English.


Our children will be able to communicate clearly and accurately, both in Reading and Writing, and adopt their language and own style in and for a range of contexts, purposes and audiences. A strong command of the written and spoken word will be evident. Most importantly, we strive to nurture a love of English which will equip them for the rest of their time in education.

Latest News

Reception’s Reading Challenge

Reception’s Reading Challenge

The children in Reception have been working very hard with their reading this half term. We set the children a reading challenge and many of them have been busy reading lots at home. Well done to all the children who have been working really hard to read regularly at...

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World Book Day

World Book Day

Reception have been talking about different characters in the stories we are reading. Our whole school theme for World Book Day this year was Roald Dahl. The children (and teachers) came dressed in costumes inspired by Roald Dahl’s stories. The children spent the day...

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Sharing Stories

Sharing Stories

As part of our World Book Day celebrations, Reception and Year 6 joined together to share some stories. Reception chose their favourite stories and their Year 6 buddies read these to them. The children enjoyed swapping and talking about the books they were reading.

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Y6 Survival Day

Y6 Survival Day

Y6 had a fantastic day with South West Survival. This really helped to bring our class novel of 'Kensuke's Kingdom' to life. We learnt and practised lots of survival skills such as weapons and traps, fire lighting, camouflage and concealment. A fantastic day was had...

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Coronation Fruit Kebabs

Coronation Fruit Kebabs

To help celebrate the King's Coronation we have been busy in Year 1 making red, white and blue fruit kebabs.  In English we have been learning about how to write instructions.  We used what we have learnt to write our own Coronation Fruit Kebab instructions.  We then...

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Reception Reading Challenge

Reception Reading Challenge

Reception have celebrated the wonderful reading they have been doing this half term. Congratulations to all of the children who have reached “fantastic reading” and “superstar reading” on their reading challenge. The “superstar readers” enjoyed a special reading treat...

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Easter Writing

Easter Writing

As we prepare to celebrate the Easter Triduum, our KS2 children have created some powerful and moving pieces of writing. Please take a look at a selection of pieces from Year 4, 5 and 6.  

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World Book Day

World Book Day

Reception and Year 6 have been celebrating World Book Day together. Reception brought some of their favourite stories and Year 6 read these to them. The children also swapped books to read different stories. A lovely afternoon was had by everyone with lots of happy...

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Magnificent Moon Poetry

Magnificent Moon Poetry

Year 5 have been learning about the moon and have enjoyed combining their scientific knowledge with poetry. They shared their poems with the children in Year 3 who have also been writing poetry based on what they have been learning in class. Well done to Asher, Esa...

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